-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Thumbnail: KindaDrake, voice of miller https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyg-x9_Erk0&ab_channel=wavetro Charles from 'Night at the Gates of Hell' by Black Eyed Priest https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/2026870/ss_d662721ca53b66d6782079568b311701d2361ddc.jpg?t=1669910081 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- How you met George (wavetro): "I originally was a fan of George back when he did stop motions" How you met George (wavetro) [READ VIDEO DESCRIPTION] What was Coolernow123 Studios? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDFWGvW3msk&ab_channel=COOLERNOW123STUDIOS COOLERNOW123 VIDEO ARCHIVE https://c123.wavetro.net/ Gogo's Crazy Bones (Revival 2010s) The figures used for stop motion -- If you see a (Indie) creator, and you like their work, message; if you can help?... Then be ready to help out, it is an energy and time commitment. People always want other people with valuable skills on their team. Be respectful and mindful of their personal lives. Enjoying the journey. If you don't ask. The answer is always no. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- All of the lessons you've learned in voice acting and creative advice: "I feel like, if you want to get in to voice acting, the entry gate is very low. Very low, anybody can buy mic, shit or good. Although, if you don't have a good enough microphone, it's just like Yu-Gi-Oh you can be the best player, but if you don't have the right cards. You can't win any games." Lip Spank | Voice acting tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1-102G9YnQ&list=PLSQwCHlOc7v9j-h_Wft-_snOAAPneCrK3 "I can't recommend anything new sadly, I've been primarily self taught so I'd say my source is "trial by fire" lol I'd still recommend Mick's guide though, despite whatever is going on." "I mean, motivation is a very big part of creating. Like actually being creative, cuz it is a facet of human ingenuity." "Expanding your arsenal voices or tones, getting better what you do; just practice! Just talk a whole, lot. Just talk keep talking. And like different voices you want to do or different example is a screaming, in metal if you want to get better with screaming, you don't just do it. There's a certain way you got to do it, otherwise! You're going to fry your throat in like 3 years, you'll never be able to scream again cuz you didn't take proper care of your throat." -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Quintessential elements that form good media, bad media: Occultic;Nine = doesn't make sense = annoying = bad Cowboy Bebop = makes sense = enjoyable = good Cowboy Bebop is good because it has a whole bunch of elements that are positive. Perfection is a whole bunch of small things done right. "How much it resonates with us? As person." "Finding media that relates to you as a person." "Which is why I think critics should have less importance than they do." -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- All of the media you would recommend: Anime: Cowboy Bebop Games: Iconoclasts Professor Layton Uncharted (Franchise) - Book: Uncharted: The Fourth Labyrinth Yakuza (Series) Music: Red Vox Band Alice in Chains Todd the Brand - The Making of Ocean Levels (ft. Todd the Brand) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42NDLvkjtYs&ab_channel=KindaDrake Seattle sound (Alternative rock music movement of the 90s) Jerry Cantrell Stone Temple Pilots Pearl Jam Nevada Soundgarden Screaming Trees Silverchair Audioslave Slipknot System of a Down Megadeth Killswitch Engage Soften The Glare -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- How is a cultural zeitgeist formed: "A large part of it, is in a way to fit in." "Some genuineness of emotion; positive or negative. That has to ignite the kindle." "Ethics can also be very personalized." "As much as opinions can divide us, it is also what unites us." -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Your experiences with Newgrounds, YouTube, Twitch, the Internet overall: Influences: GameGrumps (later JonTron years) SuperMega (Early) OneyPlays Psychicpebbles OneyNG TomSka Sushi-Ramen-Riku (SUSHI RAMEN 【English Ver.】) Vinesauce Joel Vinesauce Vinny Jabroni Mike Vinesauce Rev Cold Ones OFFCANNY Scott The Woz Brutalmoose Caddicarus Darkk Mane MsBreezy NakeyJakey Ordinary Sausage The Misadventures of Skooks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWlKr4seJ-0&list=PL8fAhLpxoiJTkYas8-KKAPlaqm-Lh4mtG&ab_channel=Orpheusftw Internet Comment Etiquette with Erik Worthikids Punk Duck NeoCranium Seven https://www.youtube.com/@7mr7random7 Michael Reeves Sr Pelo Settled The Mexican Runner An0nymooose Cow Chop Miles John HealthyGamerGG William Osman Allen Pan TheBackyardScientist NileRed Safety Third Babish Culinary Universe Alex FrenchGuyCooking Epic Rap Battles of History Jerma Stream Archive (Jerma985) Michaelcthulhu Sky Williams WayneRadioTV -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- TooManyGames Jesus Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Try to make yourself laugh: Bo Burnham - What. Norm MacDonald Norm MacDonald Andy Richter on Conan O'Brien https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fv67QgVSqkk&ab_channel=coolguy Gilbert Gottfried Bob Saget -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- What is art: Butter Dance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USGvrpRmQ-U&ab_channel=CringeKing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dXffxrfFhY&ab_channel=ParaSite Burger king ad gay deepfake https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVY6YjnuX7E&ab_channel=NotJaquitoe -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- The typical week for you: Calibration Lab Engineer SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake Idle Slayer Cookie Clicker Dead by Daylight -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Personality traits in people you despise, can they be fixed? How "How are you going to treat anyone correctly? If you can't even treat yourself right." "Anger is one of the easiest emotions to feel." -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- The Most funniest memes: Jeff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-IzkJQtlkU&ab_channel=OneyPlays Red Letter Media, depressed https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/001/053/890/c2d.jpg MEMES: https://imgur.com/a/cIo9avE -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Rant on Danganronpa Favourite character: Gundham Tanaka -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- YouTube/Newgrounds videos you recommend: -Recommendations- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=151vm8nz_rU https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/386799 https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/853757 https://youtu.be/GNXWZOJOe3A https://youtu.be/8W_r9NHpWTk https://youtu.be/ynQsDFxTSU4 https://youtu.be/7CfzH-_Zbdc https://youtu.be/caDVWyw9uE0 https://youtu.be/BP077Hmtjag https://youtu.be/3l1SEPjO2uA https://youtube.com/shorts/HKVoN-SjZ-Q?feature=share https://youtu.be/at2BufPf6bo https://youtu.be/L-NJHRPRGso https://youtu.be/P3ynj6w2tII https://youtu.be/_2kh1zH5ULQ https://youtu.be/RyZPzqvXkY8 https://youtu.be/WGODqlSn7Go https://youtu.be/OiVA6jRGJWI https://youtu.be/qRXpYrHLB9Y https://youtu.be/eDn2Xp5ctQM https://youtu.be/FFYHaGUFJ-s https://youtu.be/ur9jLK_6EcY https://youtu.be/GoxpAP5Voco -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Your opinions and how would you define your musical taste, experiences at concerts: Kitsune² https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbLL7Uv_UpU&list=PLDPdqi0iT5A5OIEbxGIqBgQnX_0o-KwNh&ab_channel=LapFoxTraxArchives System Of A Down - Chop Suey! (Official HD Video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSvFpBOe8eY&ab_channel=systemofadownVEVO Megadeth Avenged Sevenfold Slipknot Korn Five Finger Death Punch Disturbed - Down With The Sickness Killswitch Engage Soundgarden Pearl Jam Alice in Chains Alice In Chains - Sludge Factory Alice In Chains - Frogs Mad Season R.E.M. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Songs and albums you can recommend: -Music- https://youtu.be/njRcJr6O1po https://youtu.be/z-3MTfOZhYc https://youtu.be/Ve6oo0tagmo https://youtu.be/KP3sd-Fyw0s https://youtu.be/yfX7mCHbroc https://youtu.be/abum0IcVlK4 https://youtu.be/rbvXpfvqJbc https://youtu.be/-1RdXVQN4ag https://youtu.be/BPoxXLi2pAM https://youtu.be/jVJ-n4uxAXo https://youtu.be/IVRK7HhTqQM https://youtu.be/bCKm2rFNtqY https://youtu.be/_IBYD0PI-Lc -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- The mindset necessary for success in life: "If you want change, you have to take initiative." -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Conclusion: "It's important to count the small things in life." -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --