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Claims Against South Carolina
Growing Out of the Revolution
Edited by
Secretary of the Historical Commission of South Carolina
Printed for
By The State Company, Columbia, S. C.
N« : 1 I Issued 13'^^ August 1781 to M"-. Nehemiah Smith Book I C for Three pounds four Shillings Sterling for forty eight days duty in General Marians Brigade in 1782 ^ account audited
Principal £3, .4,, Interest 0„4,.5
^ N°-: 2. 1 Issued 13^'^ August 1784 to M^ John Ward Smith
fv Book I C for Six pounds thirteen shillings and Ten pence
C/ sterling 3501b Beef for Continental use in 1782, Also for 33 days duty in Genl Marions Brigade ^
G account audited, Principal £6.. 13. .10
,^ Army . . . .£2..4.,0 Interest.. 0..9..3
0^ Supplies . . .£4.9.10
N°: 3 I Issued 13^^ August 1784 to M-"-. Austin Stone
Book I ( for Twenty three pounds Nineteen Shillings
Army... £6.2.8 and one penny Sterling 1375'^^ Beef & one
Supplies. .17. 16. 5 bushel Corn for Continental use Also for
Xinety tAvo days Militia duty in Gen'. Marians
£23.19.1 Brigade in 1782 ^ two accounts audited.
Principal £23..19..1 Interest, 1..12„4
N°-: 4 1 Issued 13^^ August 1784 to M-". William Stricklin
Book I C for One pound eighteen shillings and Six pence
Sterling for one hundred and fifty pounds of Beef
for the use of the Garrison of George Town in 1782
^ acc^ audited
Principal £1..18..6 Interest . . . 0,.2..7
N°-: 5. ) Issued 13''^ August 1784 to M"" Andrew Squires for Book I C Five pounds Nine Shillings and four pence sterling for Eight two days duty in Gen'. Marians Brigade in 1782 ^ account audited
Principal £.5..9..4 Interest . . 0..7..7
N^ 6 I Issued the l-t'^ August 1784 to M^ William Smith
Book I \ for Ten Pounds Nine Shillings and four Pence
Sterling for 157 days Militia Duty in 1782 and 1783
as p"" Account Audited
Principal £10.,9„4 Annual Interest £0„14,J
N'^ 7 ] Issued the 14*^ August 1784 to M"". John Serves
Book I \ for Two Pounds Sterling for 30 Days Militia
Duty in 1782 as p'". Account Audited
Principal £2,,— 0,,— Annual Interest £0„2„9y2
N°. 8 ] Issued the 14'^ August 1784 to M-" Anthony Sweet Book I ( for Two Pounds thirteen Shillings and Seven Pence half penny Sterling his Account of a horse for the
use of the Militia in 1779 as p'' Account Audited
Principal £2„13.7y2 Annual Interest £0.3.8—
N" 9 I Issued the 14'^ August 1784 to M^ Thomas M.
Book I ( Sanders for Thirty two Pounds twelve Shillings and Six Pence Sterling for a horse in September 1781 for the use of the State Cavalry as p"^ Ac- count Audited
Principal £32,a2„6 Annual Interest £2,,5„8—
N« 10 I Issued the 14^^^ August 1784 to M^ William Scrug, Book I ( for Five Pounds two Shillings and Eight Pence
Sterling for 400*"^. Beef for Continental use in
1781 as p"" Account Audited
Principal £5„2,.8 Annual Interest £0.,7„2—
N« 11. 1 Issued the 14*'^ August 1784 to M"". Dennis Swiney
Book I ( for Fifty Pounds thirteen Shillings and three
Pence half penny Sterling for Pay and Subsistance
as Forage Master to the Continental Armey from
the 23<i December 1778 to the 12 May 1780 as p""
Account Audited
Principal £50.13—31/2 Annual Interest £3—10—11—
N° 12 ] Issued the 14**^ August ITS-t to M-- Fredreck Stin- Book I ( winter, for Nine Pounds Sixteen Shillings Sterling
for 600*^- Pork for Militia Use in 1781 as p'" Ac-
Acount Audited
Principal £9.,16— Annual Interest £0,.13,,8—
No 13 ] Issued the 14^'^ August 1784 to M^ Robert Staf- Book I ( ford for Eleven Pounds Eleven Shillings Sterling
for Beef for Continental use in 1782 and 1783 as
p"" Account Audited
Principal £11, ,11— Annual Interest £0,.16— 2
N° 14 l Issued the W^^ August 1784 to M^ Joshua Stafford
Book I ( for Forty four Pounds Eighteen Shillings and
four Pence Sterling for Beef for Continental Use
in 1782 and 1783 as p"" Account Audited
Principal £44„18„4 Annual Interest £3„2„10—
N*' 15 1 Issued the 14 August 1784 to M-- Thomas Stone for Book I ^ Five Pounds two Shillings and Eight Pence Ster- ling for 400^^. Beef for Continental Use in 1781
as p'' Account Audited
Principal £5,. 2,.8 — Annual Interest £0„7„2 —
N°. 16 ] Issued the 14 August 1784 to M^ William Snow Book I C for Ten Pounds Eleven Shillings and Nine Pence
Sterling for 825^^ Beef for Continental use in 1781
as p'' Account Audited
Principal £10,.ll— 9— Annual Interest £0,,14..9
N°. 17 ] Issued the 14^^ August 1784 to M"-. William Spivey Book I C for Two Pounds Eleven Shillings & four Pence
Sterling for 200*^ Beef for Continental use in
1782 as p'' Account Audited
Principal £2„11.,4— Annual Interest £0„3„7—
N° 18 I Issued the 14*^. August 1784 to M-". John Skelton Book I t for Twenty three Pounds Nine Shillings and three
Pence Sterling for Pay due him in an Indepen-
dant Company from 21 April 1779 to 2^ July 1780
as p'^. Account Audited
Principal £23„9„3i/4 Annual Interest £1„16„10—
N° 19 J Issued the 14 August 1784 to M^ Thomas Shirley
Book I V of Camden Two Pounds Eleven Shillings and
four Pence Sterling for 200'''' Beef for Continental
use in 178-2 as p"" Account Audited
Principal £2..11 — 4. Annual Interest £0..3..7 —
N°. 20 ] Issued the 14 August 1784 to IVP. George Swicord, Book I ( for Six Pounds Sterling for a Horse for Militia
use in April 1779 as p"" Account Audited
Principal £6— „ Annual Interest £0— 8,.4 —
N° 21 ) Issued the 14*^ August 1784 to M^ Richard Strother Book I ]| for Xine Pounds twelve Shillings and Six Pence
Sterling for 750*^^ Beef for Continental Use in
1780 as p^' Account audited
Principal £'9,.12..6 Annual Interest £0,.12..5—
No:22. 1 Issued IG August 1784 to M"" Jacob Stevens for Book I \ One hundred and forty three pounds sixteen shill- ings & four pence Sterling, Provisions and Forage for Cont'. use Also prov^. and Forage for State Troops & Militia in 1780 & 1782. ^ two accounts audited.
Principal £143..16..4 Interest . . . 10..0..4
No— 23 ] Issued 16 August 1784 to M^ William Shurlock for Book I ( Seventy two pounds fourteen shillings & 11*^ Ster- ling for pay as a private a Corporal & Serjant in the S°: Carolina Continental Line from PK NoV. 1779 to the 1«' July 1783, %^ Ace*, Audited
Principal £72..14.,11^.. Interest 5..0..11
N°: 24 ] Issued 16 August 1784 to M"". John Sullivan (Tay- Book I C lor) for Three pounds fourteen Shillings and Seven pence Sterling for Cutting out Cloathing for the Continentals in 1781 ^ acc^ Audited
Principal £3„14,,7 Interest . . 0„5,.2
N°: 25 I Issued 16 August 1784 to M'' Solomon Sessions for Book I C Fifteen pouncTs nineteen Shillings & three pence half penny Sterling, Provisions for Contin^, use; also for Militia use in 178-2 ^ Acco*. Audited, — Principal £15..19,,3i/2 Interest, . . . 1..1..2 —
N°:26 ] Issued 16t'\ august 1784 to M^ John Smith for Book I ( Four pound twelve shillings & tenpence farthing Sterling for 65 days Militia Duty in 1782 ^ ac- count audited.
Principal £4..12..1054 Interest . . 0.,6..5
N°. 27 ] Issued 16 August 1784 to M--. Moses Smith for Book I ( nine pounds eighteen Shillings and four pence Sterling provisions and Forage for Cont'. use in 1781 and 1782 ^ acco^ audited.
Principal £9..18..4 Interest ... 0„13..10^
N°: 28 Book I
No : 29 Book
Issued 16. August 1784 to M"". Mathew Singleton for Sixty one pounds Six Shillings and two pence Sterling. Sundries for INIilitia use in 1781 ^ ac- count audited.
Principal £61..6..2 Interest . . . 4.. 5. .5
Issued 16t^ August 1784 to M"*. John Singleton for Fourteen Shillings Sterling for one good Weather for the Militias use in 1782 ^ Account Audited. Principal... £0,.14,— Interest 0„0„11
N°:30 1 Issued 16 August 1784 to M^ Will". Singleton Book I. ( for Two pound One Shilling & four pence ster- ling for 31 days days duty in the Militia in 1782 ^ account Audited
Principal £2..1..4 Interest . . . 0..2„9
N°: 31. ") Issued 16 August 1784 to AP. Robert Singleton Book I C for Twenty Seven pounds five Shillings & Nine pence farthing Sterling; Provisions and Forage for Contin', use in 1781 & 1782. ^ aceo*. audited
Principal £27..5..9i4 Interest 1..17..10
N°:32 1 Issued IG^h ^\ugust 1784 to M^-. John Smiley. Three Book I. i pounds eleven Shillings and ten pence Sterling for 280"' of Beef Supplied for Continental use in 1779 and 1782. ^ Account Audited
Principal £3..11..10 Interest. . 0.,4,.11
N°: 33. 1 Issued 10 August 1784 to M^ Jessey Summerall, Book I C for Thirteen pounds two shillings & Six pence sterling for Forrage supplied the North Carolina Militia in 1779 ^ acco^: Audited
Principal £13..2..6 Interest . . 18.,4
N*': 34 ) Issued 16 August 1784 to M^ W"^, Stitt for Four Book I. C hundred & forty seven pounds fourteen shillings & seven pence sterling, sundries for the use of the militia. Georgetown Garrison & State Troops, also for provisions for Continental use in 1780. 1781. and 1782 ^ two acco^ audited, £ S D Principal 447..14..7 Interest £31..o..ll
N°: 35 ) Issued 17*'^ august 1784 to M'". James Tesdale for Book I ( Twelve pounds .'c two pence Sterling, provisions and duty for the Service of the State and Militia in 1781, 1782 & 1783 ^ acco* Audited Army...£l„13„0 Principal £12..0..2
Supplies.. 10.7.2 Interest. . . 0..16..9
N°-: 36 ] Issued 17*^ — August 1784 to M"" George Terrj^ for Book I ^ four pounds Eight Shillings and 6^ Sterling for Sixty three days Militia duty & nine Rations in 1782 ^ account audited
Principal £4„8,.6 Interest . . ..0..6..1
No : 37. I Issued 17*^ August 1784 to M--. John Timmons for Book I \ Twenty pounds eight Shillings & four pence Ster- ling Five hundred pounds Beef for Continental use Also 210 days duty as a private in the militia in 1780, 1781 & 1782. as ^ two acco^ audited. Army £14.0.0 Principal £20„8„4
Supplies... 6,,8,,4 Interest... 1„8„1
N«-. 38 1 Issued 17^^ August 1784 to M'". Samuel Tradwell
Book I ( Two pounds thirteen shillings and six pence three
farthings sterling for Thirty days militia duty in
1782 ^ account audited.
Principal £2,.13..634 Interest 3..8
N°-: 39 ] Issued 17*^ August 1784 to M"". George Thompson Book I ^ for Fifteen pounds twelve shillings and two pence Sterling for Provisions for the Militias use in 1782 ^ account audited.
Principal £15..12..2 Interest . . . 1..1..1
N*': 40. ] Issued 17 August 1784 to M"". Benjamin Tucker for Book I C Three pounds four Shillings and Two pence Sterls for the use of the Partizan Legion in 1783 ^ ac- count audited
Principal £3..4..2 Interest . . . 0„4„5
Xo_: 41 ) Issued IT Aufrust 1781 to M"". William Taylor for Book I ( Seventy pounds 6/6 Sterling:; Provisions furnished the Continentals in 1781 ^ account Audited, Principal £70..6..6 Interest .... 1..18,—
X°-: 12 ) Issued 17^'' August 1781 to M'. John Rogers for Book I ( Twenty eight pounds five shillings and eight pence half penny Sterling, for Sixty Six days duty as a Cap', in the Militia in 1782 ^ acco' Audited. Principal £28..5..8y2 Interest .... 1..19..2
X°. 13 I Issued 17th August 1781 to M^ Ruffin Taylor Fifty Book I ( five pounds nineteen shillings and three pence Ster-. for Beef and Pork for the use of the Con- tinental Army in 1781 and 1782 ^ aecot. audited Principal £55..19..3 Interest ... 3.. 17.. 2
Ko_. 44 I Issued 18'^ August 1784 to M^. Peter Taylor for
Book I. ( Twenty Seven pounds six shillings and one penny
farthing Sterling for a Horse and 3 days Horse hire
for use of the State Troops in 1780 ^ acco^ audited.
Principal £27..6..1i/4
Interest .... 1..17..10
N'°-:15. ] Issued 18'^- Aug^^ 1781 to for the Est^
Book I ( of Paul Trapier Jun^" deceasd for Thirty three
pounds 15/. Sterling for negroe & Horse hire for
use of George Town & N°; Carolina Troops in
1776 ^ accot audited.—
Principal £33„15., Interest .... 2..6„4
X°: 16 ] Issued 18''> aug^'- 1781 to for Est^ of M"":
Book I. 5 Benjamin Trapier deceased, for One hundred &
Sixty two pounds 10/101/2 for prov^. & negroe
hire in 1781 & 1782 & one acco' for Prov^ for the
Militia ^ 2 acco^. audited
Principal £162..10..10y2 Interest .... 11..6..10
N°-: 47 ) Issued 18^^- Aiig=t 17S4 to M"". Rob^ Witherspoon Book I ^ for One hunrlred & eighty six pounds Eighteen ShilP & Six pence Sterling, provisions & Forage for militia, also prov*. Forage & Ferrige for Con- tinentals as ^ Six accounts audited. —
Principal £186..18..6 Interest .... 13..0..7
X-'. 48. ) Issued 18^*1 august 1784 to M^ John Witherspoon Book I. C Jun"^ for Six pounds four shillings Steriing for ninety three days Militia duty in 1782 ^ acco"^ Audited, Principal £6..4.. Interest 0..8..8
X°. 49 I Issued 18 August 1784 to M''. James Fleming for
Book I. C Estate of David Wetherspoon fifty eight pounds
eight shillings and four pence Steriing. Sundries for
Contin^ and militia use in 1781 & 1782 ^ account
audited. Principal £5S..8..4
Interest . . . 4..1..3
X°: 50. ] Issued 18 August 1784 to M^: David Witherspoon
Book I ^ for Forty nine pounds nine shillings and eight
pence Ster?. for Eighty five days Militia duty &
22001b of Beef for the use of the state in 1782. %3
account audited
Army £21..5.,0 Principal £49..9..S
Supplies . . . 28.4.8 Interest ... 3..8..S
X** : 51. ] Issued 18 Aug*^ 1784 to Cap'. James Witherspoon Book I. C for Xinety four pounds fourteen Shillings & five pence Steriing for 118 days duty as a Lieu*^ & a Cap^. in the militia in 1782 also for Provis^. & Forage for Militias use in 1781 and 1782 ^ three accounts audited. This Indent Destroyed ] Principal £94..14.,5
being Wrong Sum C Interest .... 6..11.,8
N° : 52 Book I
Issued 18ih augst 1784 to M^ Robert Winter for One hundred & forty two pounds eleven Shillings and 5*^. Sterling Sundries for Cont'. and Militias use, also for Provis^. for Contini use in 1781 &
1782 ^ two acco*- audited
Principal £142..11..5 Interest 9..18..10
X"-. 53. 1 Issued 18"^— august 1784 to M"". John Winter for Book I ( Thirty five pounds fourteen shillings and one penny half penny sterling Sundries for Continen- tal and Militia use in 1781 & 1782 ^ account au- dited.
Principal £35..14,,iy2 Interest 2,,9„1
X°: 54 J Issued 19'^ august 1784 to M^. Hugh Strain Win- Book I ( ter for Thirteen pounds eleven shillings and two pence half penny Sterling sundries for Militia use in 1782 ^ account audited
Principal £13„ll„2y2 Interest . . . 0.,18„3
Xo — : 55 Book I
Issued 19^'', August 1784 to Hugh, Andrew and John Watson for Twenty three pounds nine Shil- lings and Eleven pence three farthings Sterling for militia duty in 1782 ^ acco^ audited
Principal £23,.9,.113/4 Interest .... 1,.12,.3
Xo — , 56 ) Issued 19 august 1784 to M^. George Warren for Book I ( Twenty pounds and four pence three Farthings Sterling for 15601b Beef for Continental use in 1782 p acco^ audited
Principal £20..0..43^ Interest .... 1..0,.8
N°:57 1 Issued 19 august 1784 to M''. Thomas Wall for Book I \ Eight pound 'nineteen Shillings and eight pence Sterling for TOOlb Beef for Militia use in 1782 P account audited.
Principal ..£8..19..8 Interest .... 12,,6
N°— 58 1 Issued 19 August 1784 to M'" : Robert Wilburn for Book I I Fifty Six pounds sterling for pay due him in Col° Horry's Cavalry ^ account audited.
Principal £56, — , — Interest .... 3,,18„4
N° 59 \ Issued 19 august 1784 to M"". John Woods for Two Book I ^ pounds fourteen Shillings and three pence half penny Sterling for Thirty eight days Militia duty in 1782 — %? acco^ Audited —
Principal £2..14..3y2 Interest ... 0..3..11
N^rGO ] Issued 19^^ August 1784 to M"-. John Warden for Book I I One hundred and eighty six pounds Eight shillings and Six pence half penny Stirling for Militia duty in 1780. 1781 & 1782— %3 account audited. Principal £186„8..6y2 Interest 13..0..5
N°-. 61. I Issued 19 August 1784 to M'-^. Elizabeth Winckles Book I C for Two pounds three Shillings and Seven pence Sterling for One hundred and Seventy pounds Beef for Continent': use in 1782 ^ account audited. Principal £2..3..7 Interest ... 0..3,.0
N". 62 1 Issued 19 august 1784 to M^-. Samuel Walkup for Book I ^ three pounds ten shillings ster^ for 20 Bushells Corn for Continental use in 1781 ^ account Au- dited
Principal £3,,10,, Interest .. 0„4,.10
N°: 63 I Issued 19 August 1781 to M^ Stephen Weaver for Book I ^ Six pounds eight shillings & four pence Sterling for 5001b Beef for Continental use in 1781 ^ acco* audited
Principal £6..8..4 Interest .. 0..8..11
N°— : 61 ] Issued 19 august 1781 to M"". Barnabas Wines for Book I ( Three pounds Seventeen Shillings for 3001b Beef for Continental use in 1781 ^ acco^ audited Principal £3.. 17 — Interest .... 0..5.,4
N°: 65 I Issued 19 August 1784 to W. William Walker for Book I ( Four pound Seventeen shillings & Six pence Ster- ling for 380'b. Beef for Continental use in 1781 ^ account audited
Principal £4.. 17. .6 Interest ... 0..6..9
N°: 66. ■) Issued 20'^ August 1784 to M^ Samuel Bonneau Book I ^ for Thirty Seven pounds fourteen Shillings & two pence Sterling, Ferriage for the Militia Also for Sundries in 1776 & 1780. ^ two acco*®. audited, — Principal. £37,.14..2 Interest ... 2„11,,11
No— 67 ) Issued 20"^ August 1784 to M^- Berry Walker for Book I ij Twenty Six pounds nineteen shillings Sterling for Two thousand one hundred pound Beef for Con- tin* use in 1782 ^ acco* Audited
Principal £26.,19„ Interest ... 1..16..7
N". 68 I Issued 20 august 1784 to M^^ Bersheba Walker for Book I 5 Five pounds Five Shillings Sterl^' for Thirty Bush- ells Corn for Continental use in 1781 ^ acco* Au- dited
Principal £5,.5„ Interest ... 0,.7..4
N°: 69 Book I
) Issued 20'h august 1784 to M"". Moses Williams for j Two pounds One shilling and four pence Sterling for Thirty one days Militia duty ^ acco^. au- dited.
Principal ^2..7..4 Interest 0..2..10
N°— : 70 Book I
Issued 20"^ August 178-1: to M"" David Williams for Seventeen pounds six shillings and six pence Ster- ling for 13501b Beef for Continental use in 1781 ^ account Audited
Principal £17..6,.6 Interest ... 1..3..10
N°:71 Book I
Issued 20 August 1784 to M^s. Mary Williams for Thirteen pounds nine Shillings & six pence Sterling for lOoOlbs of Beef for Continental use in 1782 ^ acco"^ audited
Principal £13..9..6 Interest .. 0..18..3
X« : 72 Book I
N°-: 73 Book I.
No : 74 Book I
Issued 20th August 1784 to M^ Anthony White Jun"-.
for Two pounds Eighteen Shill^ and Six pence
three farthings Sterling for Forty one days Militia
Duty in 1782 ^ Account Audited.
Principal £2..18..634 Interest 0..4..0
Issued 20th. august 1784 to M'^ John White for Seven pounds fourteen shillings and seven pence half penny Sterling for One hundred & two days militia duty in 1782 ^ acco^^ audited
Principal £7..14..7i/2 Interest ... 0,.10..9
Issued 20th August 1784 to M>-. Sims AVliite for Twent}^ One pounds Eight Shillings and six pence Sterls for a Horse for Continental use in 1780 ^ Acco* Audited.
Principal £21..8..6 Interest 1..9..5
X'' 75 I Issued the '21^ August 17S4 to M"". William Weems Book I \ for Ninety three Pounds & Six Pence three farth- ings Sterling for a Waggon. Team, and Driver in
1781 and 1782 as p'". Account Audited
Principal £93,.0.,6% Annual Interest £6..10..2
X« 76 ) Issued the 21« August 1784 to M^ John Wilson for.
Book I ( Nineteen Pounds Six Shillings and a Penny Ster- ling for Pay as a Soldier in Capt. Tutts Indepen- dant Company from 21*'^ April 1779 to 29 Febru- ary 1780 and for Forage for Continental use in 1780
as p'". Account Audited
Principal £ — 19..6-1- Annual Interest £1..7..0 —
Army... £16.17.6
Supplies... 2. .8.. 7
X- 77 ] Issued the 21^"^. August 1784 to M-. Robert Wilson
Book I ( for Eighty Six Pounds Eleven Shillings and Six
Pence Sterling for Continentals and Militia in 1781
and 1782 as p'' Account Audited
Principal £'^6..11..6. Annual Interest £»)..1..2 —
X° 78 ] Issued the 21^ August 1784 to M^ David Wilson
Book I C for Fifty Nine Pounds two Shillings and two Pence
Sterling for Provisions and Forage for Continental
and Militia use in 17^1 and 1782. as p" Account
Audited —
Principal £59—2—2. Annual Interest £4..2..9—
X'^ 79 I Issued the 21^^ August 1784 to M^ William Wilson Book I \ for Xine Pounds Eleven Shillings and five Pence
for 134 Days Militia Duty in 1782 as p"" Account
Principal £9—11—5— Annual Interest £0,.13 — t—
X'-'. 80 I Issued the 21^ August 1784 to M^ Eichard Wood- Book I C berey for Six Pounds twelve Shillings Sterling for
Continentals and Militia in 1782 as p'' Account
Principal £6..12.. Annual Interest £0..9..2—
X° 81 ) Issued the 21^. August 17S4 to M'. J^amuel Wood- Book I C ward for Three Pounds Six Shillings and Eight
Pence Sterling for 260-'° Beefe for Continental use
in 1782 as p"^ Account Audited Principal £3..6..S — Annual Interest £0..4:..8 —
X*» 82 I Issued the 21-- August 1784 to M-'. Blake Leay
Book I C White for Eighty Pounds Sixteen Shillings and
Xine Pence Sterling for Waggon hire for Militia
use in 1779 and for Sundries for Continental &
^Militia use in 1779. 1780. 1781. 1782 & 1783. p^
three accounts Audited
Principal £S0^16..9— Annual Interest £5..13— 2—
X°. 83 ) Issued the 21 August 1784 to M^. Francis Lessesne
Book I \ for Fifty Pounds Nineteen Shillings and three
Penc-e Sterling for Sundries for Continental and
3Iilitia use in 1781 as p'. Account Audited
Principal £.50..19..3 Annual Interest £3..11..4: —
X°. 84 ) Issued the 21- August 1784 to Col. William Stafford
Book I \ for One Hundred .i Seventy Eight Pounds Eleven Shillings and Xine Penc-e Sterling for Provisions Supplied the Militia .5c Continentals c^ his Pay as Capt. Lieut : Colo. & Colonel of the Lower Gran- ville County Regim-. in 1779. 1781. & 1782. as p'.
two Accounts Audited
Principal £178. .11 — 9 — Annual Interest £12..1C> —
Army £163..5..9i2
Supplies . . . — 15.6.0
£178 :11.9i,2
X^" S5 ) Issued the 21^"^ August 1784 to M^ Thomas Boone Book I \ Jun". for Twenty Eight Pounds and five Pence Sterling for Provisions and Forage for Continen- tals. State Troops, and Militia in 1780. 1781. 1782
& 1783 p" two Accounts Audited
Principal £-28.0..5. Annual Interest £1..19..3
X°. 86 I Issued the 21^^ August 1784 to M-". William Ragin
Book I C for Thirty Seven Pounds Seven Shillings Sterling
for Sundries for Continentals and Militia in 1780
& 1781 as p^ Two Accounts Audited
Principal £37.,7 — Annual Interest £2.,12„3 —
N° 87 1 Issued the 2P^ August 1784 to M^ Peter Bocquet
Book I ^ for One Hundred and three Pounds Seven Shillings
and Nine Pence Sterling for Hay for Continental
and Militia use and for Lumber for the use of the
Lines in 1779 & 1780 p"" Account Audited
Principal £103—7—9— Annual Interest £7..4..S—
No 88 I Issued the 2P^ August 1784 to M''. George Elholm
Book I ^ for Fourteen Pounds Sterling for 30 Days Expences
in Recruiting Service from the 6'^ September to the
5''i October 1781 — as p^ Account Audited
Principal £14..— Annual Interest £0,.19,,9—
N« 89 I Issued the 21^' August 1784 to M-". John Bentley
Book I ^ Xixon for One Hundred and three Pounds twelve
Shillings and Nine Pence farthing Sterling for
Pay due him as Scalesman in the Commissary of
Issues Department p"" two Accounts Audited
Principal £103— 12.9i^. Annual Interest £7„4„10—
N° 90 I Issued the 21 August 1784 to M'. George Spencer
Book I C for Ninety two Pounds Eleven Shillings and a
Penny farthing Sterling for Pay due him in the
Commissary of Issues Department from the 1^^
June 1779 to 12^^ T^j.^y lygo pr Account Audited
Principal £92..11-l'i4. Annual Interest £6—9—6—
N°-„ 91 I Issued 24^'^. august 1784 to M--. Derrill Hart, for one Book I. ( hundred and Twenty four pounds thirteen Shillings and six pence farthing Sterling. Sundries for Continental use. 96 Bushells Corn & 750^^ Blades Also three Hundred and fifty pound of Beef for Cap* Rumphs Comp^. of Ranger in 1780 1781 and 1783 as ^ three accot^. audited —
Principal £124..13.6i4 Interest .... 8,,14.6
N°-: 92 I Issued 24 August 1784 to M^ Thomas Lowrey As- Book I ( signee to AVilliam Cooper Sen^ W"\ Cooper Jun'" & to James Crouch (to say) W™. Cooper Sen^". for 439 clays Militia duty to W"*. Cooper Jun^ for 439 days Militia duty and to James Crouch for 439 days Militia Duty in 1779 and 1780 ^ three ac- counts audited.
Principal £70..n.0% Interest ... 4..18,—
N° -. 93 I Issued the 24*^ August 1784 to M^". Thomas Cooper Book I. ^ the Elder for Eleven pounds thirteen Shillings and three pence Sterling for provisions and Forage for Continental, State Troops &c. uses in 1781 ^ ac- count audited &c —
Principal £11„13„3 Interest 0„16„3.
N°: 93 (or 94) | Issued 25'^ august 1784 to M"". Robert David- Book I j son for Twenty six j^ounds Six Shillings & two pence sterling, for Two thousand and fifty pounds of Beef for Continental use ^ acco* Audited, —
Principal £26,.6„2 Interest .... 1..16,.9
N° 94 I Issued the 26 August 1784 to Philip Smith Esq^
Book I C Executor to the Estate of M''. James Skirving for
Four Hundred and Seven Pounds and Nine Pence
Sterling for Sundries for Continental use in 1780.
1781. 1782 & 1783. as p-". Account Audited—
Principal £407,.0,,9— Annual Interest £28„9„10
N°. 95 I Issued the 26'^. August 1784 to Philip Smith Es- Book I C quire for Two Hundred and Ninety Six Pounds fifteen Shillings and Eight Pence Sterling for Sun- dries for Continentals and State Troops 1779. 1780
and 1782 as p'' Account Audited
Principal £296,.15„8. Annual Interest £20„15..5.
N«: 96 ) Issued 27t\ August 1784 to MMVilliam Kerbey for
Book I \ Forty four pounds three shillings and three farth^
Sterling: Cash paid M"^ Thomas Walker pay Master
at Orangeburgh in April 1779 ^ Account audited,
Principal £44..3..034
Interest 3..1..10
N°-. 97. ) Issued 27'^ August 1784 to M"-. Anthony M^^.Hugo Book I ( for Eight hundred and fifty four pounds Eight Shillings and three pence half penny sterling. Sun- dries for Continental use in 1779 as %? accounts audited, —
Principal £854..8..3i/2 Interest .... 59..16..2
N"-: 98 ) Issued 27"^ August 1784 to M"". Samuel Atkins for Book I. C Five pounds sterling for Thirty five days Militia duty in 1781 ^ account audited.
Principal £5..0..0 Interest .... 0..7..0-
N°- 99 ) Issued 27'^ August 1784 to M^ Richard Atkins for Book I C Four pounds five shillings and eight pence half penny Sterling for sixty days militia Duty in 1781 ^ acco*. audited
Principal £4..5..8i/2 Interest . . 0.5. .11
N«- 100 ) Issued 27 Aug^'. 1784 to M^ James Allen for Two Book I C pounds fourteen shillings and three pence farth- ing Sterling for Thirty eight days militia duty ^ account audited.
Principal £2..14..3>4 Interest . . 0,.3,.9
N°: 101 y Issued 27*'' august 1784 to for
Book I C James AUcorn Estate for Eight pounds fifteen Shillings and one penny half penny Sterling sun- dries for militia use in 1779 & 1780 ^ account au- dited.
Principal £8..15..iy2 Interest ... 0..12..2
N°- 102 ) Issued 30^^ august 1784 to M''. William Ash S^
Book I \ for Fourteen pounds fifteen shillings and four pence
farthing Sterling for one hundred and ninety four
days militia duty in 1778. 1780. 1781 and 1782 ^
account audited
Principal £14..15..9l^ say 4<^ : Interest .... 1,.0..7
N^'. 103 1 Issued the 27^'^: August 1784 to M'-. James Ar- Book I ( mor^ for thirty nine pounds Sixteen Shillings and W^ Sterling for Sundrys for Militia use in 1780 and 1781. ^ Account audited &c —
Principal £39„16..10 Interest — 2,.15.,9.
N°- 104. I Issued the 27*^. August 1784 to M"". Alexander Book I. C Akins for fifty three pounds Seventeen Shillings and five pence half penny Sterling for Sundrys for Militia use in 1780 and 1782 ^ Account au- dited (fee- Principal £53„17„5i/2 Interest — 3„15„5 —
No-. 105. I Issued the 27^^. August 1784 to M^ Robert Allison^ Book I ( for ninety one pounds One Shilling and five pence Sterling for Sundrys for Militia-use ^ account audited &c. — &c —
Principal £91„1„5 Interest — 6„7„5.
X"-. 106. I Issued the 27'^. August 1784 to M--. William Adair Book I. ( for twenty Eight pounds Eighteen Shillings and 63/4, Sterling for ninety daj's duty done as ad- jutant in Colonel Laceys Regiment in 1780 and 1781. ^ account Audited'' &c. — &c —
Principal £28„18,.63^ Interest — 2„0,.5.
^The account audited has been printed in Accounts Audited, Vol. II, pages 147-148.
-The account audited has been printed in Accounts Audited, Vol. II, pages 12-13.
^The account audited has been printed in Accounts Audited, Vol. I, pages 57-59.
N°-. 107. ) Issued the 27*^ August 1784 to M"" Robert Adams Book I j for Eighteen pounds three Shillings and two pence Sterling for provisions for Continental and Mili- tia use in 1781. and 1782 ^ account audited^ &c. — .fee- Principal £18„3„2 Interest ... l.,5.,5.
N°-. 108 I Issued the 27^\ August 1784 to M^. Godfrey Adams
Book I. C for t^Yenty one pounds fourteen Shillings and 3^.
Sterling for Eighty four days militia duty done in
General Hendersons Brigade in 1779 and 1782 ^
account audited- &c. — &c —
Principal £21„14,,3i4 Interest — 1„10„4
N°. 109 ) Issued the 27*^. August 1784 to M"*. James Arm- Book I. \ strong for forty one pounds One Shilling and five pence Sterling for three hundred and Sixteen days Militia duty ^ two accounts audited^ &c — Principal £41„1„5
N°- 110 I Issued the 27'^. August 1784 to M^ Arthur Arm- Book I. \ strong for Fifteen pounds five Shillings and Eight pence Sterling for One hundred and twenty Seven days Militia duty done under Captain Clinton ^ acco^ audited* &c
Principal £15„5..8y2 Interest — 1,.1'?4
^The account audited has been printed in Accounts Audited, Vol. I, pages 80-83.
^The account audited has been printed in Accounts Audited, Vol. I, pages 64-66.
^The account audited has been printed in Accounts Audited, Vol. II, pages 159-160.
*The account audited has been printed in Accounts Audited, Vol. II, pages 151-152.
N*'-: 111 J Issued 30'^ august 1784 to M"". Samuel Byers for Book 1 ( Twelve pouncfs Sterling for eighty four days Mi- litia duty in 1779 as ^ acco* audited.
Principal £12, — „ Interest ... 0„16„9
N°- 112 ] Issued 30*^ Aug^' 1784 to M^ W™. Byers for Twenty Book I ( one pounds Sterling sundries for Militia us as ^ account audited —
Principal £21..0..0 Interest .... 1..9..4
N°: 113 I Issued 30'^ August 1784 to M^: Joseph Bigger Book I ( Twenty eight pounds nineteen shillings and Two pence half penny Sterling. Sundries for Militia use, as %^ account audited
Principal £28..19..2i4 Interest .... 2..0..6
N°: 114 ] Issued 30th august 1784 to M^". William Boyd for Book I ( Three pounds sterling, for sundries for Militia use in 1782 ^ account Audited.
Principal £3,—. •
Interest ... 0..4..2—
N°:115 1 Issued 30*^ August 1784 to M^. W™, Brown for Book I { Five pounds fourteen Shillings and three pence farthing Sterling for Forty days militia Duty ^ account audited
Principal £5..14,.3K Interest ... 0..7. 11
N"°: 116 ] Issued 30*^ aug^* 1784 to M^. W™: Brown, (son of Book I ^ David) for Eleven pounds two shillings & ten pence farthing sterling for One hundred & Twenty six days Militia Duty in 1778. 1779 & 1780 ^ ac- count audited
Principal £11..2..10>4 Interest ... 0..15..7
X"-. 117 1 Issued 30th. august 1784 to M^. David Brown for Book ^ Ten pounds five Shillinofs and four pence Sterling for five head of Cattle for Militia use in 1780 ^ account audited, —
Principle £10..5..4 Interest ... 0..14..4
X°: 118 ] Issued 30"^ August 1784 to M''. Robert Brown for Book I j £50..9..1134 Sundries for Continental & Militia use in 1780 & 1781. Also for 98 days Militia Duty ^ Two accounts audited^
Principal £50..9..11 34 Interest ... 3..10..7
N°: 119 ) Issued 30 august 1784 to M''. Harrison Bell for nine Book I \ pounds fifteen Shillings Sterling for Sundries lost at Gen'. Sumpters Defeat as ^ account audited
Principal £9..15..
Interest ... 0..13..7
N°: 120 ] Issued 30'^ august 1784 to M'" John Bell for Eight Book I j shillings and six pence three farthings sterling, for forage for Militia use as %3 account audited. Principal £0..8„63^ Interest .... 0..0..7—
No; 121 ] Issued 31^^ august 1784 to M^. Thomas Bell for Book I I Six pound Eighteen Shillings & six pence three farth^ Sterling for Sixty nine days ^lilitia duty in 1780 & 1782. ^ acco* audited
Principal £r)..18..63/4 Interest .... 0..9..8
N°: 122 ) Issued 3pt August 1784 to M^. David Bell for Book I ( Four pounds twelve Shillings and ten penc farth- ing Sterling for two head of Cattle for Continen- tal use in 1781 ^ acco* audited.
Principal £4..12..10i4 Interest .. 0..6..5 Vide 889. B. 24 July. 1787.
^This indent was cancelled.
N° : 123 ] Issued 31^^ August 1784 to M>-. Zachariah Bell for Book I ( Eight pounds Six Shillings and two pence three farthings Sterling Sundries for Militia use ^ ac- count audited,
Principal £8..6..23^ Interest ... 0..11..7
N°: 124 I Issued 31^* August 178-1 to M^ W"^ : Brattan. for Book I C Ten pounds Sterling for one hundred and thirty one da3^s Militia duty in 1782 ^ two accounts au- dited.
Principal £10..—,— Interest .... 0..14, —
X°-: 125 ] Issued 31^t_ august 178-t to M^ Hugh Brattan for Book I { One hundred & Seventy one pounds fourteen shill^. and three pence farthing Sterling for Four hun- dred and four days Militia duty as a Cap' in 1780 and 1781 ^ acco' audited —
Principal £171..14..3i4 Interest .... 12..0,.4
No : 126, ] Issued 31^* august 1784 to M^. Thomas Bratton, Book I C For Twenty eight pounds two shillings & eight pence farthing Sterling for Two hundred & thirt}^ three days militia Duty in 1780 and 1781 ^ ac- count audited . . .
Principal £28,.2..8i4 2^^: more Interest ... 1..19„9
N^: 127. ] Issued 31^^ august 1784 to M^, David Barnhill for
Book I ( Seventeen pounds two shillings & five pence three
Farthings Sterling for one hundred & forty one
days Militia duty in 1778. 1780 & 1781 as ^ two
accounts audited.
Principal £17..2..534 Interest.... 1,.3..11
N°: 128 ) Issued SP'— august 1784 to M'": Kobert Barnhill
Book I. j for Ten pounds twelve shillings and ten pence
farthing Sterling for one hundred and thirt}^ one
days Militia Duty in 1780 1781 & 1782 ^ account
Principal £10..12..10i4 Interest ... 0,.14..7
N°-: 129 1 Issued 31^* august 1784 to M-". John Berry for Book I C Forty three pounds fourteen shillings & three pence farthing, for sundries for Militia use in 1779. 1780. and 1781. 1782 ^ acco* audited
Principal £43..14..3i4 Interest .. 3..1..2
N°-: 130 I Issued 31^' august 1784 to M^. Richard Berry for Book I j Three pounds Sterling for Forty two days Militia Duty as ^ account audited, —
Principal £3..0..0 Interest.... 0..4..2
N°-: 131.| Issued 31^* august 1784 to W. Isaac Ball for Eight Book I. C pounds two shillings and ten pence farthing ster- ling for sixty days Militia Duty in 1779 as ^ ac- count audited.
Principal £8..2..10y2 Interest ... 11. .4
N°: 132 I Issued 1^'. Septem'' 1784 to M--. W"\ Brocket for Book I \ Thirty six pounds fifteen shillings and eight pence half penny Sterling for One hundred & eighty one days Militia duty in 1780, 1781. & 1782. as ^ ac- count Audited
Principal £36..15..8i/2 Interest ... 2,.11,.5
N°-: 133 ) Issued 1«' Septem-- 1784 to Cap*: Jacob Barnett for
Book I J Self, Samuel Barnett deceased & Eichard Jones for
One hundred & fifty four pounds four Shillings and
four pence Sterling, for Militia Duty ^ account
Principal £154..4..4 Interest .... 10,.6..1
N°. 134 I Issued 1^' September 1784 to M-". William Barnet Book I j for Eight pounds eleven shillings and five pence Sterling for Sixty days Militia Duty ^ account audited
Principal £8..11..5 Interest ... 0..11..11
N°: 135 I Issued 1®* September 1784 to M'". Humphry Barnet Book I I for Fifty two pounds two Shillings & ten pence farthing Sterling for Three hundred & thirty days Militia duty ^ acco' Audited
Principal £52„2..10>4 Interest.... 3..12,— 11
N°: 136. I Issued 2^ September 1784 to for the
Book I j Estate of Thomas Barron for Fifty days Militia Duty in 1779 ^ account audited,
Principal £3..14.,3 Interest.... 0..5..2
N°: 137. ] Issued 2^ September 1784 to M-". John Barron for Book... I. ( three pounds Sterling for Forty two days Militia duty in 1782 %5 account audited,
Principal £3..0..0 Interest 0..4..2
N°. 138 ) Issued 2^ Septem'". 1784 to M^ James Barron for Book I C Forty two pounds Twelve shillings & ten pence farthing Sterling Sundries for Militia use as ^ account audited
Principal £42..12..10i4 Interest 2..19..8
N°- : 139 ] Issued 2^ Septendy 1784 to M-*. John Bishop for
Book I j Thirteen pounds five Shillings and eight pence
half penny Sterling for One hundred and thirty
Seven days militia Duty in 1781 & 1782 ^ acco*
Audited —
Principal £13..5..8i/2 Interest .... 0..18..7
N°-: 140 ) Issued 2^ Septemb"-. 1784. to M^ James Blair, for Book I ( nine shillings and seven pence half penny Sterling for three Biishells wheat in 1782 ^ account au- dited
Principal £0..9,.7y2 Interest . . 0..0..8
X«-: 141.) Issued 2^. September 1784 to M"". Gavin Black for Book I. \ Sixteen pounds five shillings and eight pence half penny Sterling for One hundred and Twenty three days Militia Duty as ^ acco^ audited, —
Principal £16..5,.8y2
Interest 1.,2..9
X°-: 142.| Issued 3^ Sepf 1784 to M^" Roger Barry for Twenty Book I, C four pounds nine Shillings and three pence farth^ — Sterling Sundries for Militia use in 1780. 1781 and 1782 as ^ acco^ audited
Principal £24..9..3>4 Interest l,.14,.l
N°- 143 ) Issued 3^ September 1784 to M'- John Barber